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Terms of service for the virtual exhibition “VR Expo World”

Date of last revision: July 17, 2021


1.1. These terms of service (hereinafter also referred to as the Terms) of the virtual exhibition “VR EXPO WORLD” (hereinafter also referred to as the Virtual Exhibition / Virtual Exhibition “VR EXPO WORLD”) define and contain the rules for the provision of services by the limited liability company “VIAR Expo World” (OGRN 1070277000254 , INN 0277081017) (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor), operating under the commercial designation “VR EXPO WORLD”, to individuals and/or legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the Customer) for placement (including permanent) at/in a specific virtual stand / virtual exhibition space of the Virtual exhibition of the customer’s materials, as well as services for the placement (including unlimited) of the customer’s materials at the Virtual Exhibition (virtual gallery) without defining a virtual stand / virtual exhibition space, in the manner, on time and in accordance with these Terms.


2.1Customer – any individual or legal entity, or individual entrepreneur who has sent the Contractor an Application for the provision of Services.

2.2.Parties – collectively referred to as the Contractor and the Customer.

2.3. Services – services provided by the Contractor in the manner, on time and in accordance with these Terms.

2.4. Virtual exhibition (also – Virtual gallery) “VR EXPO WORLD” – website https://vrexpo. world/ (hereinafter also referred to as the Site) on the Internet, as well as software provided by the Contractor that implements the functionality of the Virtual Exhibition (Virtual Gallery) (hereinafter also referred to as the Contractor’s Software).

2.5. Virtual stand (also – Virtual exhibition space) – a specific place on the Site and/or in the Contractor’s Software (software application) in PC and PC+VR modes with the possibility of placement ( including indefinite placement) of the Customer’s digital (electronic) materials on it in accordance with these Terms, as well as the conditions defined by the Parties in the Application.

2.6. Digital (electronic) materials (Customer Materials) – text, photographs, images, video materials, 3D models or any other similar materials (including advertising materials) that contain inscriptions, images and other information intended for public display to an unlimited number of third parties at the Virtual Exhibition (in the Virtual Gallery), without violating the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation (including the norms of the current legislation on advertising).

2.7. Placement of the Customer’s Materials – the Contractor’s actions to place the Customer’s Materials at a certain Virtual stand / in a certain Virtual exhibition space, or at a Virtual exhibition (Virtual gallery) without defining a Virtual stand / Virtual exhibition space, as well as direct presence on A virtual exhibition (Virtual gallery) with or without the definition of a Virtual stand / Virtual exhibition space, Customer Materials with the possibility of public acquaintance with the Customer Materials by an unlimited number of third parties.

2.8. Account / account information – a set of data about the user (Customer) stored in a computer system, necessary for his authentication (identification) and providing access to his personal data and settings.

2.9. Application – an application indicating (description) of the Customer’s Materials to be posted and other data determined (indicated) by the Contractor in the application form, sent to the Contractor by filling out the form indicated on the Site.


3.1. The services of the Virtual Exhibition “VR EXPO WORLD” in accordance with these Terms are:

3.1.1. provision of services by the Contractor for placement(including unlimited) on/in a specific Virtual stand/Virtual exhibition space of the Customer’s Materials, in the manner, on time and in accordance with these Terms;

3.1.2. provision of services by the Contractor for placement (including unlimited) of the Customer’s Materials at the Virtual Exhibition (Virtual Gallery) without defining a Virtual Stand / Virtual Exhibition Space, in the manner, on time and in accordance with these Terms.


4.1. Any individual or legal entity that sends an Application to the Contractor for the provision of Services acquires all the rights and obligations of the Customer under these Terms and agrees to all the provisions of these Terms.

4.2. In case of disagreement with any provision of these Terms, the Customer has the right to refuse to use the Services provided by the Contractor.

4.3. Acceptance of these Terms means that the Customer has familiarized himself with all the conditions for the provision of Services to the extent necessary for him.
4.4. The Customer confirms that the provision of Services by the Contractor is carried out remotely using software that fully complies with the Customer’s ability to use the Services provided in this way.

4.5. The Customer sends an Application to the Contractor indicating (description) of the Customer’s Materials to be posted and other data determined (specified) by the Contractor in the Application form by filling out the form indicated on the Site.

4.6. The Contractor carries out moderation (pre-moderation) of the Customer’s Materials, which may include checking the Customer’s Materials for compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as for compliance of the Customer’s Materials with the technical requirements of the Virtual Exhibition (Virtual Gallery).

4.7. Based on the results of consideration of the Application, the Contractor either approves the Application, or, if it detects a discrepancy between the Customer’s Materials and the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the technical requirements of the Virtual Exhibition (Virtual Gallery), rejects the application (denies the Customer to place the Customer’s Materials).

4.8. If the Contractor approves the Application based on the results of its consideration, the Contractor places the Customer’s Materials on/in a specific Virtual Stand / Virtual Exhibition Space and/or at a Virtual Exhibition (Virtual Gallery) without defining a Virtual Stand / Virtual Exhibition Space – depending on what is specified by the Customer in the Application type of Contractor’s Services.


5.1. Rights and obligations of the Contractor.

5.1.1. The performer is obliged: provide Services efficiently, on time, in the manner and in accordance with these Terms; in accordance with these Terms, subject to approval of the Application, place (including indefinitely) on / in a certain Virtual stand / Virtual exhibition space the Customer’s Materials and / or place the Customer’s Materials at the Virtual Exhibition (Virtual Gallery) without defining a Virtual stand / Virtual exhibition space space – depending on the type of Contractor’s Services specified by the Customer in the Application; notify the Customer as soon as possible about an obstacle to the placement and/or blocking of the Customer’s posted Materials; maintain the confidentiality of information received from the Customer, in respect of which the Customer has established a trade secret regime, subject to timely notification of the Contractor by the Customer about the confidentiality of such information;

5.1.2. The performer has the right: refuse to provide the Services to the Customer, or suspend the provision of Services in the following cases:

— in case of non-approval of the Application by the Contractor, including due to the failure of the Customer to provide all necessary information;

— in case of non-compliance (violation) of the Customer’s Materials with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including in the event of detection of such violations after the placement of the Customer’s Materials at the Virtual Exhibition (Virtual Gallery);

– in other cases. In particular, (including, but not limited to) materials of a political, religious, pornographic nature, as well as any other materials that violate or threaten to violate any rights of third parties are not accepted for posting. at its discretion, unilaterally make changes to these Terms, at any time, having previously notified the Customer by posting the relevant information and documents (including these Terms) in a new edition on the Website

If the Customer does not agree with the changes, the Customer has the right to unilaterally refuse to use the Services provided by the Contractor, and the funds contributed by the Customer as payment for the Contractor’s Services are non-refundable. The Contractor has the right to hold promotions, competitions and other events that are not lotteries (hereinafter also referred to as Promotions), based on the results of which, determine the winners, post materials of the winners of such Promotions in accordance with clauses. 3.1.1 – 3.1.2 of these Terms. The Contractor has the right not to begin providing Services or to suspend the provision of Services until payment for the Contractor’s Services is made.

5.2. Rights and obligations of the Customer.

5.2.1. The customer is obliged: when filling out an Application for placement of the Customer’s Materials, indicate reliable information, including directly information about the Customer, the posted Customer’s Materials, as well as (if applicable) the Customer’s services and/or products; not to transfer your Account Information to third parties, and not to use someone else’s Account Information; provide the Contractor for placement at the Virtual Exhibition (Virtual Gallery) only with such Customer Materials that fully comply with the requirements and norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation; ensure the accuracy of the information published in the Customer’s posted Materials (if applicable); bear full responsibility for the placement of Customer Materials at the Virtual Exhibition (Virtual Gallery) that violate the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation; independently and at your own expense, if necessary, resolve all issues related to the use of third party rights to the results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization of legal entities, goods, works, services and enterprises (including, but not limited to: objects of copyright and related rights , objects of patent law and other protected results of intellectual activity and means of individualization) in the Customer’s Materials provided to the Contractor for placement at the Virtual Exhibition (Virtual Gallery); provide the Contractor with all the information necessary for posting the Customer’s Materials in format, quality, size and quantity in accordance with the Contractor’s requirements; notify the Contractor as soon as possible about the loss of the Customer’s Accounting Information; not to use any software that can cause harm and/or negatively affect the operation of the Site and/or Software provision of the Contractor, as well as not to carry out any other actions that could cause such harm and/or negatively affect the operation of the Site</ a> and/or the Contractor’s Software.

5.2.2. The customer has the right: use the received capabilities of the Virtual Exhibition (Virtual Gallery) exclusively for their intended purpose, in accordance with the requirements of the Contractor, without violating the current legislation of the Russian Federation; demand from the Contractor high-quality and timely provision of Services in accordance with these Terms, receive the necessary advice and technical support from the Contractor; subject to compliance with these Terms, with the prior written consent of the Contractor, use information about the Virtual Exhibition (Virtual Gallery), including the corresponding means of individualization of the Contractor, in your advertising and information materials, solely for the purpose of informing consumers and counterparties about the placement of Customer Materials at the Virtual Exhibition (Virtual gallery).


6.1. The Parties undertake to ensure the confidentiality of information that has become known within the framework and/or in the process of providing the Services in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


7.1. The Parties undertake to comply with the requirements of Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” in relation to personal data of individuals that will become available to the Parties as a result of the provision of Services and/or as a result of the Customer’s use of the Site and/or the Contractor’s Software.


8.1 The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete non-compliance and/or violation of these Terms if this was a consequence of force majeure circumstances. These include: war and hostilities, uprisings, strikes, natural disasters, epidemics, explosions, fires, floods, as well as the adoption of legislative and other government acts and decisions, if these circumstances directly affected the ability to provide Services / compliance and/or violation of these Terms.

8.2. If the Party citing any force majeure circumstances does not report the occurrence of such circumstances within 7 (seven) days, then it cannot refer to them, except in cases where this circumstance itself prevented the sending of such a message.

8.3. The occurrence of force majeure circumstances must be confirmed by a document from an authorized state body or local government body.


9.1. For non-compliance and/or violation of these Terms, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the provisions of these Terms.

9.2. In case of inoperability (unavailability) of the Site The Contractor undertakes to take all necessary actions depending on it to restore the normal functioning of the Site as soon as possible.

9.3. If the Customer violates the obligations to pay for the Contractor’s Services, the Contractor has the right to suspend the provision of services until the Customer fulfills the payment obligations, or, at its discretion, to terminate the provision of Services.

9.4. In case of non-compliance and/or violation by the Customer of these Terms, including the obligations to pay for the Contractor’s Services, the Contractor has the right to refuse to provide the Services to the Customer and stop providing the Services to the Customer, having previously notified the Customer in accordance with Section 12 of these Terms. In this case, funds paid by the Customer as payment for the Contractor’s Services cannot be returned to the Customer.

9.5. The Customer bears full responsibility for the compliance of the Customer Materials posted at the Virtual Exhibition (Virtual Gallery) with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, including, but not limited to, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising, on competition protection, and on intellectual property.

9.6. The customer bears full responsibility for violation of the rights of third parties to the results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization of legal entities, goods, works, services and enterprises, including, but not limited to, objects of copyright and related rights, objects of patent law and other protected results intellectual activity and means of individualization, if such a violation arose as a result of the placement of the Customer’s Materials provided by the Customer to the Contractor at the Virtual Exhibition (Virtual Gallery).

In the event of claims, claims and/or suits being presented to the Contractor by third parties, including from copyright holders, the Customer undertakes to independently resolve these claims, claims and/or suits and, at its own expense, compensate for all losses of the Contractor arising in connection with them .


10.1. By sending the Application to the Contractor, the Customer confirms his familiarization with and agreement with the terms of provision of Services posted on the Internet on the Site and/ or in the Contractor’s Software (software application) and set forth in these Terms.

10.2. The Customer has no right to refer to his lack of information about the Terms of Service.

The Customer confirms his agreement that he does not have the right to refer to the impossibility of fulfilling (compliance with) these Terms properly, or the impossibility of receiving Services from the Contractor, or to refuse to receive the Contractor’s Services on the basis of disagreement with these Terms of Service, due to their failure to formalize them in writing, sealed with signatures and seals of the Parties.


11.1. All disputes and disagreements that may arise between the Parties on issues provided for in these Terms and/or in connection with the provision of Services will be resolved through negotiations and through claims. The period for consideration of a claim is 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim.

The Customer confirms his agreement that he does not have the right to refer to the impossibility of fulfilling (compliance with) these Terms properly, or the impossibility of receiving Services from the Contractor, or to refuse to receive the Contractor’s Services on the basis of disagreement with these Terms of Service, due to their failure to formalize them in writing, sealed with signatures and seals of the Parties.


11.1. All disputes and disagreements that may arise between the Parties on issues provided for in these Terms and/or in connection with the provision of Services will be resolved through negotiations and through claims. The period for consideration of a claim is 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim.

11.2. Disputes not resolved during the negotiation process are resolved in court at the location of the Contractor.


12.1. The Contractor has the right to unilaterally, out of court, refuse to provide Services to the Customer in the event of non-compliance (violation) of these Terms.


13.1. In the process of providing the Services, communication between the Parties can be carried out by exchanging correspondence by email, as well as using instant messaging tools (“messengers”), including WhatsApp, Telegram and others. All notices, messages and scanned copies of documents sent by the Parties to each other have legal force and are recognized by the Parties as official correspondence within the framework of the provision of Services.

13.2. All issues not regulated by these Terms are determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.